The Adventures of a Country Boy at a Country Fair Page 13
It was fated that the thrilling work of running down and capturing thethieves should not be begun until after considerable delay.
"Now, I wonder what he is up to?" Dan said, when it was no longerpossible to see the supposed burglar.
"Why is it that you can't let me do this thing?" Sam asked, angrily. "Ifyou keep meddlin' we'll never fix matters."
"I don't see that I'm interfering," Dan replied, in surprise.
The three boys watched this one particular boat in silence for tenminutes or more, seeing Long Jim now and then, and just as they believedhe was about to step on board the man walked toward the exhibitionbuildings, and was soon lost to view amid the throng of people.
"You was gettin' ready, too, I could tell that by your eye."
"I'll have to give in that you're the smartest feller in this section ofthe country, Sam, an' that's a fact."
"Of course it is," the amateur detective replied, complacently, thinkingDan's sarcasm was really praise. "If I have my own way I can turn up thebiggest thief that ever walked on two legs; but you mustn't bother me,or things may go wrong."
If the matter had not been so serious to him Teddy would have laughedlong and often at the dignity and superior knowledge assumed by thisfellow, who, since he made his acquaintance, had done nothing moredifficult than to get himself into trouble; but, under thecircumstances, he was so deeply interested in the outcome of thebusiness that there was no room in his mind for mirth.
"Dan," he said, "let you and I walk around two or three minutes. We'llstay close by so that Sam can give us the signal in case the men showup, and we may find Hazelton."
"Don't tell him what we're doin'," the amateur detective cried, sharply.
"Why not?"
"'Cause it's likely he'll want to meddle with our business, an' then mywork will be spoiled."
"I won't say a word to him until after seeing you again," Teddy repliedas he led Dan away, and added when they were where it would beimpossible for Sam to hear them: "See here, it's foolish for us to thinkof trying to follow those men if he's to be allowed to make a fool ofhimself. With him believing he's the greatest detective in the country,something wrong is sure to happen, an' we may never get another chanceof finding out about the burglary."
"Don't fret about that," Dan replied, confidently. "It won't do any harmto let him swell a little now while he's keeping watch; but when thereal work begins it won't take long to sit on him."
"Then there will be a row."
"I'll attend to his case; but I don't think there'll be anything for usto do yet awhile. The men are evidently in no hurry to leave, and mostlikely intend to wait till the crowd begins to go."
"Then why should all three of us stay on watch?"
"We won't. Go back to your cane-board, and I'll tell Sam to come for youwhen the burglars put in an appearance. He'll have time to do that, an'while he's gettin' a boat ready you can come for me."
"Will it be safe to trust him?"
"Yes, indeed," Dan replied, with a laugh. "He's havin' an awful goodtime thinkin' he's the greatest detective in the world, and couldn't behired to leave that clump of willows so long as the men keep out ofsight."
Teddy was not so confident, and insisted on going back with Dan whilethe arrangement was made.
When the matter was explained Sam appeared to be perfectly satisfied.
"That's all right," he said, readily. "I can see to this thing alone;but I'll let you fellers know the minute anything happens. Don't tellany of the constables what I'm up to, or they'll want to have a fingerin the pie."
Convinced that he would be informed of any change in the situation,Teddy returned to the cane-board just in time to aid Tim in attending toa rush of customers who were spending their money liberally.
"What made you come back?" the clerk asked, in surprise. "I've hired afeller for a quarter to pick up rings, an' am gettin' along first rate."
Teddy briefly explained the condition of affairs, and then there waslittle opportunity for conversation until considerably past noon, whentrade dropped off very decidedly for a while.
In order that he might have a glimpse of the other fakirs and resthimself at the same time, Tim was sent to see if Sam was yet at hisself-selected post of duty, and Teddy took advantage of the opportunityto ascertain the amount of his receipts.
To his great surprise he found nearly forty dollars in the money-box,and from this he took thirty with which to pay the merchant inWaterville who had given him credit for his stock.
"It has turned out to be a mighty good venture, even if Aunt Sarah wasso sure I'd make a fool of myself by tryin' it. All the money I make nowwill be clear profit, and it looks as if I'd be able to help motherquite a bit."
"They're getting ready to start!" he said, breathlessly.]
"Well, how is business?" a voice asked, in a cheery tone, and, lookingup, Teddy saw his sole remaining creditor.
"I'm glad you've come," he cried, bundling the thirty dollars up in apiece of paper. "I'd jest counted this out for you, an' when you take itI'll be free from debt."
"But I don't want the money," the merchant replied. "I only came aroundto see if you were successful."
"I've already made more than I reckoned on, an' it'll be a favor if youtake this, 'cause I don't like to have so much around."
Then Teddy explained the condition of his business affairs, notforgetting to tell of the accusation made against him by his UncleNathan, and the merchant said, as he concluded:
"I heard the whole story, my boy, and have already talked with Mr.Hargreaves, whom I met a few moments ago. I do not think he can doanything to you, because you have made many friends here. The money Iwill take, as it is not well to keep it where it might be stolen; butcan give you no receipt until I get home."
"That'll be all right," Teddy replied, contentedly; "you trusted me withthe goods, an' it would be funny if I couldn't wait for a receiptedbill. It's through you that I've had the chance to make so much, an' Iwant you to know I feel grateful."
"I believe that, and am more than pleased to have put you in the way ofgetting a start in the world. Come to see me when the fair closes, andit is possible I may show you an opportunity of learning to be amerchant on a large scale, rather than a fakir whose method of getting aliving is very precarious, regardless of the fact that he sometimesmakes very great profits."
It can be readily understood that Teddy accepted the invitation, andthen, trade commencing once more, the gentleman walked away, leaving theproprietor of the cane-board with the pleasing consciousness that he wasfree from debt, and with quite a large amount of money in his mother'skeeping.
Tim returned very shortly after the merchant's departure, and reportedthat Sam was still on duty.
"The boat hasn't been moved nor have the men showed up again," he said."That feller acts as if he thought he was bigger than the President. Hetold me he could be the greatest detective that ever lived if it wasn'tthat folks made him show off at rowin' 'cause he had so much style abouthim. I don't think he's so very wonderful; but, of course, I never sawmany out an' out detectives."
"And you don't see one when you met him. I'm sure he'll get Dan an' mein trouble before this thing is ended."
"Then why don't you let him go off alone? That's what I'd do with such achump."
"I can't, because----"
The sentence was not concluded, for at that moment Dan came up at fullspeed.
"They're gettin' ready to start!" he said, breathlessly. "I saw 'em goby the buildin', an' run over to tell Sam that I'd fetch you. Our boatis a long distance up the creek, an' we'll have to hurry, or run thechance of missing their craft."
There was no delay on Teddy's part, despite the misgivings he hadregarding Sam.
One parting injunction to Tim on the subject of business, and then hefollowed Dan at full speed toward the creek on such a course as wouldbring them fully a quarter of a mile above the boat-house outsi
de thefair grounds.
Sam had made everything ready for the journey by the time they arrived,and was so excited that he could no longer speak of his own wonderfulpowers as a thief-catcher.
"One of you fellers had better row while I steer," he said, seatinghimself in the stern sheets and taking the tiller-ropes. "If they seethe way I handle the oars they'll know exactly who's after them, an'then the game'll be up."
"Don't worry yourself about that," Dan replied, calmly. "Neither Teddynor I knows anything about a boat, except it may be to steer, so you'llhave to hump yourself."
Sam grumbled considerably about taking so many risks; but he finallymoved over to the bow and his companions took their seats aft.
"I won't put any style to it, an', perhaps, that'll keep 'em fromknowin' I'm on their trail," he said, and immediately began rowing insuch a bungling fashion that Dan said, sharply:
"Look here, if you're goin' to pull this boat, do it, or we'll go back.At this rate, you'll have everybody at the fair watching to see whatkind of chumps have been allowed to risk their lives. We've got no timeto spare, either; for we must get on the other side of the creek whereit will be possible to watch the men without getting too near."
"I'll take care of that part of the business," Sam replied, loftily, andDan immediately put into operation his plan of "sitting" on the amateurdetective.
"You do your share, and that will be enough. Teddy and I propose to takea hand in this ourselves."
"Then I might as well go back."
"You can, if you want to."
It so chanced that he had no such desire, and with the air of one whosefeelings have been deeply wounded he rowed steadily on, Dan steering,until they were where it was possible to have a full view of a longstretch of the creek.
"There they are!" Teddy said.]
"There they are!" Teddy said, pointing down stream to where a boat wasbeing pulled close to the left bank. "They have stopped, and it looks asif something was being taken on board!"
"It is a portion of the goods they stole!" Dan cried. "Stop rowing, Sam,and if nothing happens we'll soon know where the whole lot is to behidden."