The Adventures of a Country Boy at a Country Fair Page 12
With feelings of mingled anger, vexation and disappointment, Teddy stoodsilent and motionless for several moments after Long Jim disappeared,striving to keep the tears from his eyes.
It seemed hard enough to be swindled out of fifteen dollars, but to beheld up as a thief by the very man who had done him the wrong, and to bestared at as a criminal by the curious, was an aggravation ofmisfortune.
Just for one instant he made up his mind to tell the whole story to thebystanders, but before there was time for him to speak he realized thatmany of them would think he was trying to shield himself by an untruthagainst just accusations, therefore he remained quiet, not making theslightest effort to influence trade.
Fortunately he was soon aroused from this very disagreeable frame ofmind by a very pleasing incident.
The band from the Run arrived, and to the young fakir's surprise marcheddirectly to his booth, the leader saying, in a tone sufficiently loud tobe heard by every one in the immediate vicinity as the musicians haltedabout ten feet away:
"We have been hired to play on the grounds to-day, Teddy, and left homehalf an hour earlier than the specified time for the sole purpose ofgiving you a serenade to show that, whatever your uncle may say, thefolks at the Run are positive there isn't a shadow of truth in hisridiculous story. We know what you are working for, and intend to helpyou along as much as possible."
Then the musicians began to play, while, as a matter of course, everyone who came up wanted to know why the band was there instead of on thestand built for its especial accommodation, and there were people enoughwho had heard the leader's remarks to explain matters to the newcomers.
The immediate result was that instead of believing him to be a burglar,the same ones who fancied a few moments previous that he looked guilty,were now quite positive he was a victim.
Tim arrived while the serenade was in progress, and when Teddy explainedthe situation, he exclaimed, gleefully:
"Well, by jinks! This jest knocks the spots outer everything! Trade willhum after this, or I'm a duffer."
And the clerk's prediction was verified in a very short time.
When the musicians had concluded the concert they laid aside theirinstruments, and during the next ten minutes every man of them threwrings at the canes or knives so rapidly that both Teddy and hisassistant had all they could do to wait upon the throng.
Then, giving the signal for the march to be resumed, the leader said tothe young fakir:
"Don't get discouraged, my boy, no matter what happens. If you have anytrouble it can't last long, for you've plenty of friends at the Run, andafter what happened here yesterday there should be a good many on thegrounds."
The kind-hearted musicians marched away without giving Teddy anopportunity to thank them, and as if to atone for their previouslyspoken harsh words the bystanders devoted themselves with unusual zestto the task of winning a cane worth a dollar by an outlay of five cents.
It was nearly an hour before trade began to grow dull again, and boththe boys were quite willing to rest a few moments.
"At this rate we stand a chance of getting rich before the fair closes,"Teddy exclaimed, in a tone of satisfaction. "I wonder what Uncle Nathanwould have said if he'd been here to hear the leader?"
"I'll tell you," a disagreeable but familiar sounding voice replied fromthe rear of the stand where its owner had been concealed by an adjoiningbooth, and Nathan Hargreaves stalked into view with a comically tragicair. "Things have come to a pretty pass when a man's own relations, an'them as he has set up in business with his own hard-earned money, try tobring scorn and reproach upon him. You are a snake in the grass, TeddyHargreaves, an' not content with helpin' rob me, concoct such adisgraceful scene as I have jest witnessed."
"What could I have had to do with it?" Teddy cried, in surprise. "Ididn't know they were going to give me a lift."
"Of course you did; I ain't blind if I am such a fool as to put you inthe way of makin' so much money. There wasn't a man in that band who'dhave countenanced the speech the leader made if you hadn't been workin'on their sympathies. But your race won't be much longer. Don't thinkthat I've stopped all proceedings, for it may be that you're shoved intojail this very day unless you make a clean breast of the whole thing."
"I've got nothing to tell simply because I don't know anything; but Ibelieve the same man who took my fifteen dollars robbed your store. Danand I heard him and another fellow talking, and in trying to find outsomething for your benefit got knocked down."
"What did they say? Who are they?" the old man asked, eagerly, hisbearing toward Teddy changing very suddenly. "Tell me! Tell your poor,old uncle, who'll be mighty near the poor-house, if he don't get his ownagain."
This appeal touched Teddy's heart immediately, but Tim said, half tohimself, taking good care Uncle Nathan should hear him, however:
"More'n a hundred robberies like that wouldn't make him poor. Why, downat the Run folks say you'd hardly miss what's been taken."
"Those who make that kind of talk are only shiftless people with never adollar of their own, consequently they don't know the value of one," theold man cried, angrily. "It's all very well for a set of loafers who aremad with me because I wouldn't give them credit to say such things. Doyou suppose I'd spend my time runnin' around the country huntin' for thethieves if I hadn't lost a power of money?"
"You'd be willin' to run pretty far if there was a nickel at the end ofthe road," Tim retorted, but before he could say anything more Teddymotioned for him to be silent.
"Are you goin' to tell me who the robbers are?" Uncle Nathan asked, in awheedling tone, as he turned once more toward his nephew.
"I don't know the men whom I suspect, except by sight, but it's morethan possible we may find out enough to warrant their arrest before thefair closes."
The old man insisted on knowing at once, and alternately coaxed andthreatened, but all to no purpose.
Teddy positively refused to make a statement until he had more proof,and recognizing the fact that he might hurt his own cause by insisting,Uncle Nathan said, in a most affectionate tone:
"I must go now, Teddy, but I'll see you again before night. If you'll doall you can to help find them scoundrels I'll never say that you hadanything to do with the crime."
"You'd no business to make any such talk, for you knew it was impossiblefor me to take any hand in it, even if I'd wanted to be a thief."
"There's a good deal of circumstantial evidence," the old man said,solemnly, as he turned to leave, "an' it stands you in hand to do all aboy can to clear your own skirts. I'm goin' to give you a chance, an'promise there won't be any arrest made to-day at all events."
"There's a good reason why you promise that," Tim cried, angrily, asUncle Nathan walked away. "You tried mighty hard, but couldn't get awarrant, an' there ain't a justice of the peace between here an'Waterville as would grant one without any other evidence than what youcan say."
"Don't make him angry, Tim. He's feeling bad about his money, an' youcan't blame him for trying to find out who has got it."
"I don't blame him for that, but what I'm kickin' about is that hekeeps naggin' at you when there's no reason for it."
"Most likely he thinks there is."
"He can't; it's only the wretched old skinflint's way of gettin' evenwith the world, an' so he picks on a feller what he believes can'tstrike back."
"I wish I could find out who the robbers are, and where the goods havebeen hidden."
"Well, I don't. It serves him right to lose 'em, an'---- Hello! herecomes that feller what helps exhibit the rifles! I wonder what he wantsat this time of day, jest when business is beginnin' to be rushin'."
Dan was evidently in a high state of excitement, for he forced his waythrough the crowds, regardless of possible injury to himself or others,and did not slacken speed until he stood in front of the cane-board,breathless and panting.
"What's up?" Teddy asked, in surprise.
"The fakir who got your money, an' another man, who I think is the sameone we heard talkin' outside the tent, have jest bought a boat from theDavis Company. Sam saw 'em, an' ran over to tell me while the bargainwas bein' made. He's watchin' down there till we can get back."
"I don't believe it would do any good for me to say another word to LongJim. He went past here this mornin', an' I only made a bad matter worseby trying to make him give back what he stole."
"We ain't countin' on doin' that, but I believe they're gettin' ready tocart away the goods what were stole from your Uncle Nathan. Perhaps wecan foller without bein' seen, an' get on to the whole snap. Could youget off for the balance of the day?"
And now Teddy was quite as excited as Dan.
"Yes, an' so can Sam."
"Are you goin' to help find his goods after all that old duffer hasthreatened?" Tim asked, impatiently.
"I'll do what I can," was the decided reply. "Do you think you will beable to get along alone to-day?"
"I could do it easy enough by hirin' a boy to pick up the rings, but Ihate to see you make a fool of yourself, Teddy."
"You'll think different later. Come on, Dan. I'll be back as soon as Ican, Tim," and then the young fakir urged his friend in the direction ofthe creek.
"It won't do to go anywhere near the boat-house," Dan said. "Sam is upthe bank a long piece where the willows hide him. He's keepin' his eyeon the craft they bought, so it can't be taken away without his seein'it."
By mingling with the crowd it was possible to make their way to thedesired spot without being seen, save by those with whom they came intoimmediate contact, and in a few moments the watcher was joined by hisfriends.
"Now I want you fellers to let me manage this case," Sam said,pompously. "I know more 'bout detective business than both of you puttogether, an' if you'd only told me what was up the other night we'd hadthe whole thing settled."
"Have you seen the men?" Dan asked, impatiently.
"Lots of times. The old fakir is loafin' around close by the landin',an' the other one must 'a gone off for somethin'. The Davis Company toldme I could take any of the boats, an' the minute the thieves start we'lljump right on their trail."