Annie o' the Banks o' Dee Page 6
first to be examined. She was convulsed withgrief, and could only testify as to the departure and date of departureof her master for the distant city, with the avowed intention of drawingmoney.
"That will do, my good woman; you can retire."
The next witness to be examined was Shufflin' Sandie. He wasexceedingly cool, and took a large pinch of snuff before answering aquestion.
"Were not Craig Nicol and Reginald Grahame particular friends?"
"Once upon a time, sir; but he was awfully jealous was Craig, and neverbrought Grahame to the Hall; but after the fight with thae devils ofpoachers, Grahame was carried, wounded, to Bilberry Hall, and nursed byMiss Annie. Not much wonder, sir, that they fell in love. I would havedone the same myself. I--"
"Now, don't be garrulous."
"Oh, devil a garrylus; I'll not say another word if ye like."
"Well, go on."
"Well, sir, they were engaged. Then one day Craig comes to the Hall,and there was terrible angry words. Craig cursed Grahame and called himall the ill names he could lay his tongue to."
"And did Grahame retaliate?"
"Indeed did he, sir; he didn't swear, but he said that as soon as he waswell, the _quarrel should end in blood_." (Sensation in court.) "HadCraig any other enemy?"
"That he had--old Laird Fletcher. They met at the riverside one day,and had a row, and fought. I saw and heard everything. Craig Nicoltold the old Laird that he would have nobody snuffling round his ladylove. Then they off-coat and fought. Man! it was fine! The Laird putin some good ones, but the young 'un had it at last. Then he flung theLaird into the river, and when he got out he threatened to do for poorCraig Nicol." (Sensation.)
Sandie paused to wipe his eyes with his sleeve, and took snuff before hecould proceed.
"You think," said the coroner, "that Laird Fletcher meant to carry outhis threat?"
"I don't know. I only know this--he was in doonright devilish earnestwhen he made it."
"I am here," said Laird Fletcher, "and here, too, are five witnesses toprove that I have not been twice outside my own gate since Craig Nicolstarted for Aberdeen. Once I was at the Hall, and my groom here droveme there and back; I was too ill to walk."
The witnesses were examined on oath, and no alibi was ever more clearlyproven. Laird Fletcher was allowed to leave the court without a stainon his character.
"I am sorry to say, gentlemen," addressing the jury, "that there appearsno way out of the difficulty, and that his poverty would alone have ledGrahame to commit the terrible deed, to say nothing of his threat thatthe quarrel would end in blood. Poor Craig Nicol has been robbed, andfoully, brutally murdered, and Reginald Grahame sails almost immediatelyafter for the South Seas. I leave the verdict with you."
Without leaving the box, and after a few minutes of mutteredconversation, the foreman stood up.
"Have you agreed as to your verdict?"
"Unanimously, sir."
"And it is?"
"Wilful murder, sir, committed by the hands of Reginald Grahame."
"Thank you. And now you may retire."
Ill news travels apace, and despite all that Fanny and Annie's maidcould do, the terrible accusation against her lover soon reached ourpoor heroine's ears.
At first she wept most bitterly, but it was not because she believed inReginald's guilt. No, by no means. It was because she felt sorrow forhim. He was not here to defend himself, as she was sure he could.Perhaps love is blind, and lovers cannot see.
But true love is trusting. Annie had the utmost faith in ReginaldGrahame--a faith that all the accusations the world could make againsthim could not shake, nor coroners' verdicts either.
"No, no, no," she exclaimed to her maid passionately, through her tears,"my darling is innocent, though things look black against him. Ah! howunfortunate that he should have gone to the city during those threeterrible days!" She was silent for a couple of minutes. "Depend uponit, Jeannie," she added, "someone else was the murderer. And for allhis alibi, which I believe to be got up, I blame that Laird Fletcher."
"Oh, don't, dearest Annie," cried the maid, "believe me when I say Icould swear before my Maker that he is not guilty."
"I am hasty, because in sorrow," said Annie. "I may alter my mind soon.Anyhow, he does not look the man to be guilty of so terrible a crime,and he has been always kind and fatherly to me, since the day I ran awayfrom the arbour. Knowing that I am engaged, he will not be less so now.But, oh, my love, my love! Reginald, when shall I ever see thee again?I would die for thee, with thee; as innocent thou as the babe unborn.Oh Reginald my love, my love!"
Her perfect confidence in her lover soon banished Annie's grief. Hewould return. He might be tried, she told herself, but he would leavethe court in robes of white, so to speak, able to look any man in theface, without spot or stain on his character. Then they would bewedded.
A whole month flew by, during which--so terrible is justice--anexpedition was sent to San Francisco overland, with policemen, to meetthe _Wolverine_ there, and at once to capture their man.
They waited and waited a weary time. Six months flew by, nine months, ayear; still she came not, and at last she was classed among the shipsthat ne'er return.
Reginald Grahame will never be seen again--so thought the 'tecs--"Tillthe sea gives up the dead."
To say that Annie was not now in grief would be wrong. Still hope tolda flattering tale. And that tale sufficed to keep her heart up.
He must have been wrecked somewhere, but had she not prayed night andday for him? Yes, he was safe--must be. Heaven would protect him.Prayers are heard, and he _would_ return safe and sound, to defy hisenemies and his slanderers as well.
Fletcher had been received back into favour. Somewhat penurious he wasknown to be, but so kind and gentle a man as he could never kill. Hadshe not seen him remove a worm from the garden path lest it might betrodden upon by some incautious foot?
He kept her hopes up, too, and assured her that he believed as she did,that all would come right in the end. If everybody else believed thatthe _Wolverine_ was a doomed ship, poor Annie didn't.
There came many visitors to the Hall, young and middle-aged, and morethan one made love to Annie. She turned a deaf ear to all. But now anevent occurred that for a time banished some of the gloom that hungaround Bilberry Hall.
About two months before this, one morning, after old Laird McLeod hadhad breakfast, Shufflin' Sandie begged for an audience.
"Most certainly," said McLeod. "Show the honest fellow in."
So in marched Sandie, bonnet in hand, and determined on this occasion tospeak the very best English he could muster.
"Well, Sandie?"
"Well, Laird. I think if a man has to break the ice, he'd better do itat once and have done with it. Eh? What think _you_?"
"That's right, Sandie."
"Well, would you believe that a creature like me could possibly fall inlove over the ears, and have a longing to get married?"
"Why not, Sandie? I don't think you so bad-looking as some other folkscall you."
Sandie smiled and took a pinch.
"Not to beat about the bush, then, Laird, I'm just awfully gone onFanny."
"And does she return your affection?"
"That she does, sir; and sitting on a green bank near the forest onebonnie moonlit night, she promised to be my wife. You wouldn't turn meaway, would you, sir, if I got married?"
"No, no; you have been a faithful servant for many a day."
"Well, now, Laird, here comes the bit. I want to build a bit housie onthe knoll, close by the forest, just a but and a ben and a kennel. ThenI would breed terriers, and make a bit out of that. Fanny would see tothem while I did your work. But man, Laird, I've scraped and scraped,and saved and saved, and I've hardly got enough yet to begin life with."
"How much do you need?"
"Oh, Laird, thirty pounds would make Fanny and me as happy as a duke andduchess."
"Sandie, I'll lend it to you. I'll take no interest. And if you'reable some time to pay it back, just do it. That will show you are ashonest as I believe you are."
The tears sprang, or seemed to spring, to Sandie's eyes, and he had totake another big noseful of snuff to hide his emotions.
"May the Lord bless ye, Laird! I'll just run over now and tell Fanny."
It does not take so long to build a Highland cot as it would to erect aCrystal Palace,