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Annie o' the Banks o' Dee Page 17

Dickson prayed as perhaps he had neverprayed before, to that Heavenly Father who had spared the lives of thosebefore him.

  The natives stood aside wonderingly, but they listened intently andearnestly when, led by their captain, the mariners sang a portion ofthat beautiful psalm:

  "God is our refuge and our strength, In straits a present aid; Therefore, although the earth remove, We will not be afraid."



  For weeks and weeks mourned poor Hall for his wife; for weeks and weeksmourned he. He was like Rachel weeping for her children, who would notbe comforted "because they were not."

  But the anguish of his grief toned down at last. His sorrow was deepstill, but he could listen now to the consolations that Dickson neverforgot to give him morn, noon, and night.

  "Ah, well," he said at last, "I shall meet her again in the BrightBeyond, where farewells are never said, where partings are unknown.That thought must be my solace."

  And this thought did console both him and Ilda, his daughter. As forMatty, she was too young to know what grief really was, and romped withReginald's dog in the Queen's beautiful gardens, just as she had done onboard the unfortunate yacht--now, alas! a yacht no more.

  But busy weeks these had been for the shipwrecked mariners. Yet farfrom unhappy. They were Crusoes now to all intents and purposes, andacting like Crusoes, having saved all the interior stores, etc, thatthey could, knowing well that the very next storm would not leave atimber of the poor _Wolverine_. So at every low tide they laboured atbreaking her up. At high tide they worked equally energetically inbuilding a wooden house on a bit of tableland, that was easy of access,and could not be reached by a tide, however high.

  The house was very strong, for the very best wood in the ship was used.Moreover, its back was close to the straight and beetling mountaincliff.

  The six men of the crew that were saved worked like New Hollanders, assailors say. The house had sturdy doors, and the vessel's windows weretranshipped. But this wooden house did not actually touch the ground,but was built on two-foot high stone supports. Soot could be strewnaround them, and the white ants thus kept at bay. Stone, or ratherscoria, steps led up to the dwelling, one end of which was to be notonly the sleeping-place of the men, but a kind of recreation-room aswell, for Dickson had succeeded in saving even the piano and violins.The other room to the right was not so large, but, being furnished fromthe saloon of the _Wolverine_, was almost elegant, and when complete wasalways decorated and gay with lovely wildflowers. Indeed, all theflowers here were wild.

  The Queen had begged that Miss Hall and wee Matty might sleep at thepalace. This was agreed to; but to luncheon not only they but the Queenherself came over every fine day, and the days were nearly all fine.

  One day a big storm blew and howled around the rocky mountain peaks. Itincreased in violence towards evening, and raged all night. Next dayscarcely a timber of the wrecked yacht was to be seen, save a few sparsthat the tempest had cast up on the white and coralline beach.


  Captain Dickson was far indeed from being selfish, and quite a quantityof saloon and cabin furniture saved from the wreck was carried on thebacks of the natives over the mountain tracks to the beautiful Valley ofFlowers, to furnish and decorate the house of the Queen.

  Her Majesty was delighted, and when her rooms were complete she gave agreat dinner-party, or rather banquet. She had much taste, and thetable was certainly most tastefully decorated. The _menu_ was a smallone. There was fish, however, excellently cooked.

  "I taught my cook myself," said her Majesty, smiling.

  This was followed by the _piece de resistance_, a roast sucking-pig.The _entree_ was strange, namely, fillets of a species of iguana lizard.The huge and terrible-looking iguana lizard, as found on the coast ofAfrica, crawling on the trees, is very excellent eating, and so werethese fillets.

  But the fruits were the most delicious anyone around the festive boardhad ever tasted. There were, strangely enough, not only blushingpine-apples, but guavas, which eat like strawberries smothered in cream;mangoes, and many other fragrant fruits no one there could name.

  Dickson had supplied the wine, but very little was used. Goats' milkand excellent coffee supplied its place.

  Poor Hall was still a patient of Reginald's, and the latter compelledhim to take a little wine for his grief's sake.

  Just a word or two about Queen Bertha. Though but twenty and five, herdark hair was already mixed with threads of silver. She was tall for awoman, very beautiful and very commanding. She never stirred abroad inher picturesque dress of skins without having in her hand a tall staff,much higher than herself. It was ornamented--resplendent, in fact--withgold, silver, precious stones and pearls.

  "This is my sceptre," she said, "and all my people respect it." Shesmiled as she added: "I make them do so. I can hypnotise a man with atouch of it; but if a fellow is fractious, I have a strong arm, and hefeels the weight of it across his shins. He must fling himself at myfeet before I forgive him. My history, gentlemen, is a very brief one,though somewhat sad and romantic. I am the daughter of a wealthyEnglish merchant, who had a strange longing to visit in one of his ownships the shores of Africa and the South Sea Islands. He did soeventually, accompanied by my dear mother and myself, then little morethan a child, for I was only fifteen; also an elder brother. Alas! wewere driven far out of our way by a gale, or rather hurricane, of wind,and wrecked on this island. My father's last act was to tie me to aspar. That spar was carried away by the tide, and in the _debris_ ofthe wreck I was washed up on shore. Every soul on board perished exceptmyself. The superstitious natives looked upon the dark-haired maiden assome strange being from another world, and I was revered and made muchof from the first. I soon had proof enough that the islanders werecannibals, for they built great fires on the beach and roasted thebodies of the sailors that were washed up. There were, indeed, but few,for the sharks had first choice, and out yonder in that blue and sunlitsea the sharks are often in shoals and schools. Some devoured the humanflesh raw, believing that thus they would gain extra strength andbravery in the day of battle."

  "Are there many battles, then?" asked Reginald.

  "Hitherto, doctor, my people have been the invaders of a larger islandlying to the east of us. Thither they go in their war canoes, and sofar fortune has favoured them. They bring home heads and human flesh.The flesh they eat, the heads they place on the beach till cleaned andwhitened by crabs and ants; then they are stuck on poles in my somewhatghastly avenue. I have tried, but all in vain, to change thecannibalistic ways of my people. They come to hear me preach salvationon Sundays, and they join in the hymns I sing; but human flesh they willhave. Yes, on the whole I am very happy, and would not change my lotwith Victoria of Britain herself. My people do love me, mind, and Iwould rather be somebody in this savage though beautiful island thannobody in the vortex of London society.

  "But I have one thing else to tell you. The Red-stripe savages of theisle we have so often conquered are gathering in force, and aredetermined to carry the war into our country; with what results I cannoteven imagine, for they are far stronger numerically than we are, thoughnot so brave. These savages are also cannibals; not only so, but theyput their prisoners to tortures too dreadful even to think of. It willbe many months before they arrive, but come they will. I myself shalllead my army. This will inspire my people with pluck and from thehilltops I hope you will see us repel the Armada in beautiful style."

  She laughed right merrily as she finished her narrative.

  "But my dear Queen," said Dickson, "do you imagine that myself and mybrave fellows saved from the wreck will be contented to act as merespectators from the hills, like the `gods' in a theatre gallery, lookingdown on a play? Nay, we must be beside you, or near you, actors in thesame drama or tragedy. Lucky it is, d
octor, that we managed to save ourtwo six-pounders, our rifles, and nearly all our ammunition. Why arethey called the Red-stripe savages, your Majesty?"

  "Because, though almost naked, their bodies when prepared for war areall barred over with red paint. The face is hideous, for an eye ispainted on the forehead, and a kind of cap with the pricked ears of thewild fox, which is half a wolf, worn on the head. Their arms are bows,spears, shields of great size, which quite cover them, and terribleblack knives."

  "Our shrapnel, believe me, lady, will go through all that, and theirheads as well."

  "Though loth to seek your assistance," said Queen Bertha, "in this caseI shall be glad of it. For if they succeed in conquering us themassacre would be awful. Not a man, woman or child would be left aliveon our beautiful island."

  "Assuredly we shall conquer them," said Dickson. "The very sound